Friday, January 16, 2009

Camp Town Races

The little Peanut is quite a little singer! Thanks to an Elmo book that Grandma bought and from which Grandpa and the boys sing from frequently, Peanut walks around and sings his favorite part of the song: “Doo-Daaahhhh. Doo-Daaahhhh. Aaahhhh doo-dah day. Doo-Daaahhhh. Doo-Daaahhhh. Aaahhhh doo-dah day. Doo-Daaahhhh. Doo-Daaahhhh. Aaahhhh doo-dah day. Doo-Daaahhhh. Doo-Daaahhhh. Aaahhhh doo-dah day.” Then, he giggles (usually because I’m giggling, too), and heads off to play the piano or drink from the dog bowl or climb on the dining table or beat on the TV.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Thanks to you both you and Peanut for sticking this song in my head. It kept me company all the doo-dah day. For 3 doo-dah days in a row.