Friday, October 29, 2010

20 years!

This is the speech that I will give at my 20-year service anniversary presentation later today:

I became a mom for the first and second times when I was 37 which is pretty late by Utah standards, and those little boys are my whole life. So, I’m just now experiencing firsthand what many of you have already experienced thousands of times. That is: every time I say “thank you,” or “good job, buddy,” or “I appreciate your help,” or “I’m proud of you” my guys radiate with pride. I can almost see their sense of self-worth growing right in front of me. It is the best feeling in the world.

As a company, that’s what O. C. Tanner does for grown-ups, and I’m very proud to work for a company whose entire purpose is to promote a person’s sense of self worth.

I want to thank all of you for being my friends. I want to thank those of you closest to me for occasionally being my family. I’m grateful and honored to work alongside each of you at a company whose mission we all should be very proud of and dedicated to.