Wednesday, March 24, 2010

It was just a matter of time....

So, when I run at work, I get ready via sponge bath. I clean up as well as I can since we don't have showers here. (FYI to the management: I will gladly pay daily for a 3-minute shower. The costs of building the shower will be recuperated in six months just from Carol and I!)

Anyway, from time to time, I've forgotten my washcloth or towel, but that's OK since I can just use a few paper towels. I've forgotten my hairspray, my blow dryer, my curling iron, and even my make-up once. I've forgotten socks, barrettes and even my lunch, but I have never forgotten my bra - until today.

So, under my cute little business sweater, I'm wearing a stinky, sweat soaked jog bra. Oh, I've sprayed a good amount of perfume already, and I hope that this lovely Estee Laud*er scent combined with my pina colada pits is enough to mask the scent. Why? Because I have three meetings today in close quarters with several people. Oh, the joys!

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