Sunday, April 20, 2008

6-month checkup

We just had our six-month appointment. The shots were handled well with only about 15 seconds of crying for each boy.

Peanut continues to be a skinny guy. At 14lb 3oz, he is in the 6th %ile (great because it is UP from the 5th %ile) for weight and the 75th %ile for height.

The term that the doc used to describe Meatball was "thick" - at least when compared to his brother! At 16lb 13oz, he is in the 45th %ile for weight (way up from last appointment) and 92nd %ile for height.

My dad went to the appointment with me because Bub had to work. He got a bit teary-eyed during the shots. Awww...

Amazed every day.

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